Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Be On Time !!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Let’s thank a lot to Allah S.W.T for his blessing that we can gather here in this good occasion. Let’s also price and send greeting to our illuminator great prophet Muhammad SAW.
The honorable, the principle of SMK Al-Muslim, Mrs. Nunung Nuraida. The honorable, the teachers of SMK Al-Muslim and my beloved friends.
The topic of my speech is be on time. As a student, we have to be on time when doing activities. We must wake up early in the morning, so we won’t be late come to school and if the bell has rang, we are ready to get lessons, don’t go out if there’s a next class, when Azan’s calling, pray soon.
That will be all for my speech. I hope it will be useful for us, thank you for your attention.

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