Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Say hello for everbody

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Hey everybody ! Hmm.. Actually I’m so confused, how should I start to tell about myself. Because basically I don’t really like writing hehehe..
OK! And now let me introduce myself. My name is DEA FEGY KARINA, and you can call me “dea” or maybe “neng dea”. “neng dea” its  my grandmother’s favorite call home. But do not know why my friends follow calling me as “dea” or “dey”.
I am one of a million babies who will be born in the Indonesia in 1995. Yap, exactly in Bekasi, 25 march 1995. Now i’m 17years old and I’m majoring at IT vacational high school. I was the eldest of trhee brothers and sisters. I have one brother, his name is HASBY ALBIANSYAH. And I have one sister, her name is DEVIA AMELIA PUTRI. And I call her “kiting”. Because she has curly hair hahaha, but she is so awesome. The best brother  and sister that I had! And they are MY EVERYTHING^^

Well, that’s little about me… Enjoy in my blog^^
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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